The Aries Witch

I had a really lovely time working on this painting, which you can see here in my art process vlog:

Finally completing it was the best part, however I decided to keep my thoughts about the sign Aries and my impression of Aries people for the blog instead of talking about it in the vlog as I feel that it's easier to put my thoughts together in writing, though even that is sometimes very intimidating.

Alright, so, what do I think of people born under the Sun sign Aries?

I think they are bold. I actually have a lot of friends and family members who are Aries. No matter what they do in life, they have this unbeatable drive that always makes my day. I can turn to them and I know they will always walk the path of the warrior. They never give up. They never give in, and most of all, they never abandon you. Not unless they purposefully choose to, other then that, they make great leaders, and I am always proud to know one as a friend.

They also make great company. There is never a dull moment when an Aries is around.

I believe their strength lies in their shear force of determination. You look into their eyes and you just know, that they are going to make their dreams come true, just by thought and thought alone. They are so intelligent, and creative, everything they do amazes me.

So of course, I am very glad that the Aries is the very first sign I start with in this art series.

Ok so that is just my opinion about aries, and it is pretty biased as I am surrounded by quite a few of them. Let's see what the internet thinks about Aries:

Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks very highly of them!
Well, if you are born under the Sun Sign Aries, I hope you have a lovely day today, and know that I made this painting to celebrate you, and everything you are; bold, beautiful and powerful.

Have a lovely day~!


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