Seeing a skeleton

Last night I woke up and saw a skeleton sitting up against the chest of draws next to my futon.
It was such a surreal moment as I could see right through the ribs of the skeleton to the chest of draws behind. However the thing is, the skeleton was as real as the chest of draws.

Does anyone know what that means?

Anyway you'd think I'd be scared, but I wasn't. Whatever presence it was it didn't feel bad. It just felt, present. These are the things that happen often around me, which is why I cannot say spirituality doesn't exist as I seem to be plagued by it! haha!

I just wish I understood more. Do these things need help? Answers? Acknowledgement?
Should I stay away from them, do they come passing through or are they still lingering even when I don't see them?

One day I'll find answers. Until then, I hope this peeked your curiosity, because it certainly peeked mine.

Have a lovely day,
And keep being weird!

- Indigo



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